List of publications

Name Link
On Data Processing through the Lenses of S3 Object Lambda
Spatial metabolomics - from a niche field towards a driver of innovation
The Nanoservices Framework - Co-locating Microservices in the Cloud-Edge Continuum
Is Performance of Object Storage Predictable for Serverless I/O Workloads? A Comparative Study
A Last-Level Defense for Application Integrity and Confidentiality
Practical Storage-Compute Elasticity for Stream Data Processing
SinClave - Hardware-assisted Singletons for TEEs
Glider - Serverless Ephemeral Stateful Near-Data Computation
Pravega - A Tiered Storage System for Data Streams
Scaling a Variant Calling Genomics Pipeline with FaaS
Triad - Trusted Timestamps in Untrusted Environments
MLLess - Achieving cost efficiency in serverless machine learning training
CloudSkin - ML-based Smart Management for the Cloud-Edge Continuum
Optimizing serverless architectures for data-intensive analytics workloads
Practicable live container migrations in high performance computing clouds - Diskless, iterative, and connection-persistent

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Project Coordinator

Dr. Marc Sanchez Artigas

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CLOUDSKIN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101092646.